NEW VIDEO: Developing critical thinking skills, in English, at Osaka University
Short video from one of the special lecture/seminars to develop critical thinking skills, in English, at Osaka University. The sessions are led by Professor John Ino, Professor Emeritus, University of California San Francisco, and Specially Appointed Professor at Osaka University. |
01 October 2015: Welcome to New Students!
CAREN and Osaka University would like to welcome 19 new international students that have enrolled at Osaka University’s Graduate School of Science. There are eight who have joined the Special Integrated Science Course (Chemistry and Biology), and nine students who have joined the International Physics Course.
The students are a very international group and come from 12 different counties: Indonesia (4), India (2), Vietnam (2), China, Korea, France, Italy, Turkey, Nigeria, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, and Sri Lanka.
Welcome to Osaka University everyone. We wish you great success in your studies!
24 August 2015: Article in Osaka University Newsletter
In an article in a special edition of the Osaka University NewsLetter: 2011-2015 – “The 4 Years of Toshio HIRANO, 17th President of Osaka University”, President Hirano interviews Dr. Sastia Prama Putri, a member of CAREN and an assistant professor in the Fukusaki Laboratory of the Graduate School of Engineering at Osaka University, and also a PhD student under the QEDC program, Mr. Gagus. Each speak about promoting Japanese education and research abroad for Indonesian students. Read the interview below, or download the newsletter here:
Find out more about the CAREN team here: |
1 August 2015: New Double Degrees with National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
The College of Life Science at the National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan and the Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, have signed an agreement that establishes a Double-Degree Program (DDP) for Ph.D. students of the two institutions. Excellent students who join the program will study, conduct research, and be awarded degrees from both universities. Photos from the signing ceremony which took place 27 July 2015. |
30 July 2015: New Double Degree Program with Vietnamese University
In July 2015, Osaka University’s Graduate School of Science organized a signing ceremony for another Double Degree Program for master and doctorate students. The new university partner is the University of Science of the Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City. The program will involve students in all fields of basic science, but in particular, in the field of experimental particle physics. This is a field in which long-term collaboration has already been taking place, especially as many of the professors of the Vietnamese partner graduated at Osaka University in the past. Apart from the formal signing ceremony, during their time at Osaka University, the Vietnamese guests also visited the University Hospital facilities and the Research Center for Nuclear Physics. |
Photos from the visit—
8 June 2015: Student Recruitment
Daikin Group will organize an employer session in Tokyo, it will only be for international students from Thailand. On the day, Daikin Group will give a brief overview about recruitment in Japan and Thailand. More Details: Daikin Group’s employer session— Please note: The session will be conducted in English. Employer: DAIKIN Japan & Thailand (with global career opportunities) International students who will meet these conditions will be considered for interview— 1. Students from the Faculty of Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic), Faculty of Science (Physics, Mathematics), or those students studying Marketing. Contact Info: (1). Global Solution Group, Pasona Tech Inc. TEL: 03-5224-5234 Mail: Person in charge: Shigenari Minei Application: Kindly send a mail to any of above mail addresses before June 11th, Thursday, attaching your CV and answering the following items. Required information: Your name |
May 2015: New ITSCE Webpage
The webpage for the Information Technology Special Course in English (ITSCE) on Osaka University’s Graduate School of Information Science and Technology website has been updated. Check out the new page here: |
May 2015: New Website
Osaka University’s Biotechnology Global Human Resource Development Program has a new website. The aim of this program is to expose graduate students to state-of-the-art research skills and in-depth knowledge of advanced biology, chemistry and physics to harness the potential of biotechnology. Find out more:
May 2015: New Videos
Two new videos have been uploaded to the CAREN site. The first is an updated clip about Osaka University’s Biotechnology Global Human Resource Development Program. The second is a fun look at the social side of study at Osaka University and shows the Icho Festival that takes place at the beginning of May each year. Both of the clips are on the videos page:
April 2015: New Double Degrees with Thai Universities
The Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, has successfully signed three Double Degree Programs (DDP) for Master students in Biotechnology with two Thai universities. The Thai university partners are:
The signing ceremonies were held in the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University on Tuesday, 21 April 2015. |
Photos from the events are HERE
16 March 2015: CAREN Team Members visit National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Members of the CAREN Team visited National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (NTHU), and shared information about ongoing research efforts at OU and NTHU. |
10 March 2015: Students from Malaysia visit Osaka University
Prof. Dr. Mohammad B. Kassim, and a group of students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia spent the week at Osaka University. |
25 February 2015: ASEAN CAREER FAIR with Japan— Flickr Update
20 February 2015: New Double Degree Program
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB, Indonesia) and Osaka University have signed an agreement that establishes a Double-Degree Program (DDP) for both Master and Ph.D. students of the two institutions. Excellent students who join the program will study and conduct research in both universities. If successful, students will be granted two degrees, one by each institution, in about the same time normally taken to achieve one degree (two years for Master students, and three years for Ph.D. students). Such DDPs are already ongoing in other graduate schools at Osaka University, but this is the first one at the Graduate School of Science. The four delegates in the photos below are the Dean from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Professors in Physics, Biochemistry and Chemistry from ITB Indonesia. The delegates also visited several laboratories and discussed, over a Japanese dinner, some possible candidates for the new programs. |
Photos from the signing ceremony are HERE
18 February 2015: Al Farabi Kazakh National University/Osaka University Agreement
Kazakhstan’s Al Farabi Kazakh National University has just signed an agreement with Osaka University to foster student and staff exchange between the two institutions. This agreement means that from now on, excellent students from Al Farabi Kaz NU will be able to easily participate in student exchange programs with Osaka University, in particular in the FrontierLab@Osaka program. Attending Osaka University were three delegates, the Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology; the Head of the Department of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics; and the Professor of Mechanics and Mathematics, and they concluded the formal agreement between the institutions. The visitors also met Osaka University’s Vice-Presidents and visited several laboratories in order to further deepen collaboration between the two universities. Photos from signing ceremony can be seen below. Find out more about Al Farabi Kazakh National University here: |
Photos from the signing ceremony are HERE
13 February 2015: ASEAN—Japan Special Symposium in Singapore
01 February 2015: CAREN Video on OU Campus TVs
27 January 2015: New CAREN Video
CAREN was established with the goal of enhancing the international appeal of our campuses and facilities at Osaka University. This short video explains a little about the program and introduces Osaka University campuses and it’s students. |
16 January 2015: News Page. Scholarships in Japan: Inspirational Stories from Indonesia
![]() Find out about the exciting project HERE |
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