The International Physics Course (IPC) provide graduate students with an education and research program conducted in English and designed so that a student can work as an active member of international collaborations in theories or experiments, for example, with large-scale facilities. Osaka University is unique in that it has its own facilities including a high-power laser and a high-energy accelerator. Students interested in condensed matter physics and other fields of physics are of course also encouraged to join the IPC.
This course not only cultivates the capabilities required to become a leader in physics research, but also places strong emphasis on interdisciplinary knowledge and international communication skills. The course is developed with the aim of training creative and independent researchers who have the capability to work in a broad range of fields, including new interdisciplinary fields. Through small-group courses and by conducting cutting-edge research, our students acquire both fundamental knowledge and advanced knowledge and skills, and this also takes place in subjects outside their field of specialization.
The Department of Physics has 34 groups led by full professors covering research in particle and nuclear physics, astrophysics, plasma physics, condensed matter, statistical and inter-disciplinary physics. Details of the groups and faculties are shown on the IPC website. Feel free to contact these faculties directly to ask any kind of questions. The IPC was created as a part of the graduate program in the Physics Department. Students will be physics students, and will receive a Master of Science or Ph.D. degree from the Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science.
Download the IPC pamphlet:
If I was to sum up in few words what I would say to anyone thinking about Osaka University I would say go for it, dare to make a change and step out of your comfort zone. Once you open the door before you, there may be a bright future ahead which you could never have imagined. Thanks to the International Physics Course, so many more exciting things are opening up in my life.
Chan Wei Min is a student on the International Physics Course, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University.
Find out more about Chen Wei Min’s study at Osaka University HERE:

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